What’s happend with the Microsoft patch day?

Hello Microsoft

I’m updating the demo environment of our company. As usual in most of IT environments we use a WSUS to manage the Windows updates central.

I remember for times when you knew, the second Tuesday in the month is patchday of Microsoft. You had no work with “normal” hotfixes (exept of Cummulative Updates, Definition Updates, and so on) before and after this patchday.

Since a while you can observe that Microsoft publish hotfixes outside this special day:

(siehe Erscheinungsdatum)

(see publishing date)

Microsoft, I’ll ask you: how should we plan a maintenance window, if we cannot rely on your official patchday?

I can understand if a Security Update for an actual vulnerability is published shortly, but not for other updates…

Change boot order for Linux VM in XenServer

Hi Citrix Friends

There’re some nice templates for Linux VMs within XenServer.
But if you want to boot from an ISO after the installation, you’ll have a little surprise: there is no option to change the boot order:


This little command helps you

xe vm-param-set HVM-boot-policy="BIOS order" uuid=[uuid of your vm]

After this, all is shown as usual:



from XenServer 6.2.x (not tested before)

Storefront/Receiver: subscribe Apps for the User

Hi there

It should not be unknown anymore, but this article stay a long time in my drafts. In my courses I often be asked for a possibility to subscribe Apps for the user within Storefront.
This issue can be solved with some various ways:

“Magic” Keywords:

Since the start of Storefront can a feature called Keywords be used to modify the experience of Apps and Delivery Groups within Receiver/Receiver for Web. To subscribe apps for the user there’re following Keywords:

Keywords: Auto – the application is subscript for the user, but it can be removed

Keywords: Mandatory – the application is subscript for the user and cannot be removed

Keywords: Featured – the application will not be subscript, but it is shown with in the Featured Apps (Favourites) so it can be easy found.

Two examples (Auto und Mandatory). Further more it is visible, that more than one Keyword can be used, separated by a space.

Disable User Subscription

Since Storefront 2.6 you can disable this User Subscription completely. After this the experience is like the good old times of Webinterface – the user can directly work with all application to which he has access.


Personally I would prefer the use of Keywords. An IT department can be sure, that the relevant (Business-)applications are directly available for the user. Rare used apps can be subscript by the user on demand.

Weitere Informationen: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/receiver-windows-42/receiver-windows-configure-app-delivery-wrapper.html


ab Storefront 2.x

Windows 2012R2/Win 8.1 Startmenü Rechtsklick mit Citrix Profile Management

Hi together

Anyone who’s delivered Windows 2012R2 or Windows 8.1 with XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x, was wondered that the right-click on the start button doesn’t work:


That happend because Citrix User Profile Management overwrights or delete the folder AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WinX .

You can restore the content of this folder with a simple Logon script:

$WinxDst = "$env:userprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WinX"
$WinxSrc = "$env:SystemDrive\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WinX\"

If(!(Test-Path -Path $WinxDst)){
    Copy-Item -Path $WinxSrc -Destination $WinxDst -recurse }Else{
    Write-Host "WinX Work"

The result looks like common:


To save this permanently you should include following path in Citrix UPM: !ctx_localsettings!\Microsoft\Windows\WinX


More information:




A special thank goes to the system engineers from the company Unico Data AG, which have explored this in the broad Internet :-)

Citrix User Profile Management 5.x

Storefront without Desktop/Apps Tabs

Hello Citrix World

Nobody knows today when it was, but Citrix introduced the Tabs (Desktop, Applications, Content) in Webinterface. There were possibilities to control this experience within the console of Webinterface to change the order of the Tabs or remove it.

In Storefront, the Tabs (Desktops, Apps) are by Design and cannot be changed within the Storefront console. If you want that all published resources are shown together you need to insert following in the description field of the Delivery Group: KEYWORDS: TreatAsApp

After that, the Tabs are removed and published Apps and Desktops are shown on the same page.

Weitere Informationen: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/dws-storefront-21/dws-plan-optimize-ux.html

Citrix Storefront 2.x

XenDesktop Delivery Group starts VMs despite the Power Management set to 0

Hi Friends of virtual Desktops

Who of you knows that? Within XenDesktop you create a Machine Catalog and publish this as a Delivery Group. The power settings are done and you define to some daytimes that 0 (ZERO, niente, rien, non) Desktop should be standby.
If you look on the Hypervisor or in Studio at this time you see, that some VDIs are running. You shutdown them… but no, others will be startet…?!?!

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Firefox mit GPO verwalten

Hallo zusammen

Stellt man die Frage nach den verwendeten Browsern in Unternehmungen erhält man häufig folgende Antworten:
– die Admins verwenden häufig Firefox & Co, da Internet Explorer (IE) so sein tücken aufweist
– die Benutzer verwenden in der Regel IE

Warum die Unterscheidung?

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Webinterface mit RADIUS konfigurieren

Hi Folks

Das Webinterface bietet ja die Möglichkeit der Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung mittels SafeWord, RSA und RADIUS. Wer schon mit RADIUS gearbeitet hat weiss, dass zur Sicherheit ein “Shared-Key” benötigt wird. Wo nun aber diesen definieren? Die Konsole bietet hierzu keine Möglichkeit…

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Win8/Win2012 Metro Design – Anordnung der Kacheln wird nicht ins Profil geschrieben

Hallo zusammen

Wer sich schon mal mit Benutzerprofilen und dem seit Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 vorhandenen Metro Design beschäftigt hat, hat sich sicherlich auch schon darüber geärgert, dass nach dem Abmelden die Anordnungen der Kacheln verloren waren.

Der Grund ist so einfach und ärgerlich zugleich:

Die Anordnung der Kacheln wird per Design in AppData\Local statt AppData\Roaming gespeichert.

Mit reinen Microsoft Bordmitteln fehlt mir gerade der notwendige Geistesblitz um das Problem zu lösen. Machbar ist dies jedoch mit dem Profile Management von Citrix.

In der gesamten Konfiguration muss ich eine einzelne Datei in den Profilpfad mit aufnehmen, und zwar…. tadaaa:

Anschliessend sollten sich die Benutzer darüber “freuen”, dass sie ihre mühevoll angeordneten und sortierten Kacheln so vorfinden, wie sie diese am Abend zuvor verlassen haben ;-)